July 17, 2007
Current mood: Anxious
Relationship Status: Loved
Friendship meter: Happily Full
Current Annoyance: The boys that reside next door to Colton’s house that insist on blaring music so loud it feels like an earth quake.
Friendship connections: It’s a small world after all.
Fashion Don’t: Elizabeth Dickinson
If my life was a TV show, TV show: Greek (goats? Wha…)
Not so scandalous shoulda been scandal: Has anyone check the former Captain of Baseball Belle’s slash SAE Sweetheart’s relationship status?
Scandalous: Does anyone have an ex-boyfriend that they do not still “hang out” with?
Best accessory: a puppy
Use-to-be: Fluff friend the new twitter
Sing-a-long: Big Girl’s Don’t Cry
Mika: the not so secret secret.
Where have I been new obsession: The Benji Davis Project
Still not old: Red Bull
So yesterday: Drama
Feelings about this post: content
July 25, 2010
Current mood: Content
Relationship Status: Pretty close to perfect.
Friendship meter: half empty – missing girl time, wine talk, and roommates.
Current Annoyance: Lack of time management.
Friendship connections: work emails.
Fashion Don’t: Anything that resembles Jersey Shore.
If my life was a TV show, TV show: The Moreau Complex {My family living within a mile radius}
Not so scandalous shoulda been scandal: Who I’m dating, whoshe’s dating and who he’s dating. Dating drama in the workplace.
Scandalous:Baby sister’s 8 trash bags of beer house party.
Best accessory: hair accessories & diamond rings.
Use-to-be: going out on Tuesdays.
Sing-a-long: Anything Lady A.
Mika:, I miss you.
Where have I been new obsession: Live Music
Still not old: Coffee with Hazelnut cream.
So yesterday: Complaining
Feelings about this post: moderately satisfied.
Current mood: Anxious
Relationship Status: Loved
Friendship meter: Happily Full
Current Annoyance: The boys that reside next door to Colton’s house that insist on blaring music so loud it feels like an earth quake.
Friendship connections: It’s a small world after all.
Fashion Don’t: Elizabeth Dickinson
If my life was a TV show, TV show: Greek (goats? Wha…)
Not so scandalous shoulda been scandal: Has anyone check the former Captain of Baseball Belle’s slash SAE Sweetheart’s relationship status?
Scandalous: Does anyone have an ex-boyfriend that they do not still “hang out” with?
Best accessory: a puppy
Use-to-be: Fluff friend the new twitter
Sing-a-long: Big Girl’s Don’t Cry
Mika: the not so secret secret.
Where have I been new obsession: The Benji Davis Project
Still not old: Red Bull
So yesterday: Drama
Feelings about this post: content
July 25, 2010
Current mood: Content
Relationship Status: Pretty close to perfect.
Friendship meter: half empty – missing girl time, wine talk, and roommates.
Current Annoyance: Lack of time management.
Friendship connections: work emails.
Fashion Don’t: Anything that resembles Jersey Shore.
If my life was a TV show, TV show: The Moreau Complex {My family living within a mile radius}
Not so scandalous shoulda been scandal: Who I’m dating, who
Best accessory: hair accessories & diamond rings.
Use-to-be: going out on Tuesdays.
Sing-a-long: Anything Lady A.
Mika:, I miss you.
Where have I been new obsession: Live Music
Still not old: Coffee with Hazelnut cream.
So yesterday: Complaining
Feelings about this post: moderately satisfied.