
Well, hey!

1/19/2019 09:01:00 AM
2015. That's the last time I posted here. It's 2019. That's four years. Whoe. There are so many reasons why I stopped; but also, why I didn't delete this place on the web. First and foremost I really loved the content I created here. Albeit, four years old, it still gives me warm and fuzzies. I stopped because...

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Here's to a lifetime of happiness

5/23/2015 03:14:00 PM
Joseph and Annette's will join hands today in Holy Matrimony. He will promise to love and cherish her from this day forward, she will do the same; and they will leave today united as one. Joe and Annette,  It was a privilege and joy to be your engagement photographer.  Wishing you both all the happiness that exists in...

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baby colomb

Little Miss Naomi Turns Two Months

5/22/2015 11:47:00 PM
Naomi's Two Month Update Wow, when I look back at my one month old baby I can't believe how fast she is growing up. Can I say she's getting prettier everyday?  Weighing 9.75lbs. She's making eye contact and responds to our voices when we talk to her. She's smiling at us when she's in a good mood and...

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baby colomb

My Open Apology to All Moms

5/20/2015 11:06:00 PM
A lot of things make more sense to me these days. Spending the majority of my twenties as a non-mom there were a lot of assumptions (I'm embarrassed to admit) that I made. Well, I'm here after eight weeks of motherhood to share my realizations: 1. I will never judge a mother's body ever again. My post-baby body,...

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Thank you for taking the time to explore the blog. Your support and friendship mean more to me than you may know. God Bless! xoxo