my perfect world

My Perfect World (Vol. 006)

11/27/2012 09:27:00 AM

In a perfect world I wouldn't be required to be a morning person and getting into the office for 10:00 a.m. would be a viable option for weekdays. In fact, a 2:00 p.m. to midnight shift with dinner as my lunch hour would probably suite me just fine.

All weekend I woke up early to try to get things done and all day I was tired. I tried pumping myself with caffeine, but I just kept yawning. Sunday night when it was time for bed I was finally awake -- uncaffeinated, but feelings awake and alert. Dang it. I forced myself to go to sleep because I knew that staying up was the wrong choice with Monday morning looming in the very near future. But, the truth of the matter is -- I am an night owl.

Actually, I find this idea true for many creatives. Is it a right-brain thing?

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