twentyone, twentytwo, twentythree, twenty{more}

8/12/2010 06:46:00 PM

With birthday weekend in full swing I am getting more and more excited about the weekend.
I am picking up Megan from the airport in two hours. Megan, an original participant of the birthday celibration, was unable to attend last two years festivities. This year, she is completely to blame for the whole entire event! She is love.

As for the rest of the weekend I am expecting lots of girl chat, fancy drinks, and photo opps.

{Speaking of Photo Opps}
Here is a brief photo history of this weekend in history.

YEAR ONE: {Twenty-One that is}

Attendees: Carrie, Meg & Anna.

The year of the Three Gallon Hurricane.

Also the year of the human chain down Bourbon Street. We may or may not have walked down Canal Street in our barefeet. The true events of the night are not clearly remembered.

YEAR TWO: {Twenty-Two, of course}

Attendees: Anna & Carrie

These year was the year of the Pat O's photoshoot and frequent chats with the lady who worked in the bathroom.

 Were were a few people wondering. We believed we were fabulous, and well, we were.

YEAR THREE: {Twenty-Three, duh}

Attendees: Anna, Carrie, Allie, Olivia & the Travelocity Gnome

So many wonderful things were born this night. Including walking about a mile to Red Eye for my first visit. Red Eye was a birthday present in itself. Here is the walking and the boy who introduced me to Red Eye.

Some traditions are just too good to mess up. Case and point? The Traditional Birthday Weekend picture.

Here's to another weekend to remember.

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2 comment(s)

  1. squeals out loud. i LOVE this post!

  2. i'm pretty pumped about being an attendee this year. these pictures have always made me jealous! :) love you, can't wait to see you!





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