
| Rainy Day People |

11/30/2010 09:46:00 AM

There is just something about the rain that relaxes me. Even when I have to deal with it in the car and in traffic. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's terrifying; but I still find peace in it. Maybe it's the smell, maybe it's the color that is makes the sky, or maybe it's some unrealized attractive memory I have of it. I love it.

It's this weather that has actually inspired two mixed CD's that have played in my car for years. {Mixed CD's - remember those? iPod's did a pretty good job at making them obsolete, nonetheless, they will always be one of my favorite things}

I'm not the only one who is in love with the rain. In fact, sooo many others have captured it in so many other ways, so I will share with you those that come to mind:

Shimmering Streets, Canal and St. Charles
by R.C. Davis

Misty Morn on St. Charles
by R.C Davis
 Really, absolutely anything by RC Davis is beautiful. But, these who paintings he's really captured two of my favorite things - New Orleans in the rain. It feels magical, doesn't it?!

Rain Days {Grooveshark}
I've made you a Grooveshark station highlighting some on my favorite and the classics.

Some Rain Lagniappe {photos: thank you Flickr.com}
(pronounced /ˈlænjæp/ LAN-yap) is a small gift given to a customer by a merchant at the time of a purchase or more broadly, "something given or obtained gratuitously or by way of good measure." The word is chiefly used in the Gulf Coast of the United States, especially Louisiana. {definition: thank you, Wikipedia.com}

(Cuba Gallery)
'Can I Have this Dance'
Let it rain!

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1 comment(s)

  1. Swimming in the lake while it is pouring rain is a magical feeling. (Until the lightening starts...then you have to climb out of the super dangerous water, and get onto the just-about as dangerous aluminum boat!) :) I love the rain when I can stay at home in my pajamas or play in it.





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