sunday currently

This Sunday Currently (Vol. 011)

7/20/2014 10:12:00 PM

I remember the ting of embarrassment I use to feel having to admit I was from such a huge immediate family, "I'm the third of seven children." Today, it is what I am most grateful for. Family is a blessing, the creation of an institution that can only be brought to life by a man and wife (a dad and mom) teaming together to make a house and home, to make individual live's into a loving family.

But, that's neither or nor there...

Today's Sunday Currently comes to you for a beautiful sunny beach resort in Pensacola, Florida.

wishing Summer days would least forever. These long, hot days of summer are absolutely my favorite stretch of each year. We've enjoyed warm days full of laughter with extended family at a beach report this last week. There is truly nothing like it.

hoping that we get a chance to see some of my favorites over the next few days. wearing swimsuits every day for the last 4 days. (Blog post idea: a compare and contrast of one-piece vs. bikinis, they really both have their perks)

loving family dinners and vacation game nights (even though I will never be very good at Taboo and David will always be awesome at it - how does he always end up on the other team.)

photo editing: family pictures & newborns, with any luck you'll see at least one photo session post later this week)

grateful for family, of all kinds. Moms and dads and aunts and a uncles and grandmas and mimis and pawpaws and brothers and sisters and cousins - the whole lots.

Linking up with Siddathornton's, The Sunday Currently.

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