there is a reason why when I get home every night that i feel at peace in my room. though it is in disarray more often than not, i have surrounded myself with little things that make me happy. that make me smile.
I collected a few things that made me happy last night, put them all next to each other and snapped a picture with my iphone. photoshop added a few extras. and this morning when i'm feeling completely overwhelmed i find peace in this.
it was a good relaxing exercise actually, i suggest doing it if you have a few extra minutes.
a j.crew magazine where i find most of my work wardrobe inspiration.
my other family and the photograph that his mom printed of family christmas.
angel wings that remind me to pray and that beauty is all around me. visible and invisible.
two article of clothing that i felt like i over paid for, but in reality they are wardrobe stables.
and my memory maker, aka my camera.
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